
11 Most Practical Car Accessories

There are accessories for every single thing you own. Be it your phone, laptop, or car you will find an item to enhance a certain feature. Be it aesthetics, functionality or both you can’t avoid using vehicle accessories to get additional features or improve the looks of your interior. Car accessories may not be mandatory but they can help make your driving experience more convenient. They can also help you stay safe during an emergency and take care of issues or even prevent them from happening. Automotive accessories are also used to personalise your vehicle and make it unique and appealing to you.

Most Practical Auto Accessories

Jump Starter

Battery issues are still something that happens even with today’s vehicles which are packed with all kinds of advanced safety systems. Well, if you ever have issues with your car’s battery you should buy auto accessories that will help bring you back on the road. One of these vehicle accessories is a jump starter. This is more of a necessity than an accessory. With a jump starter, you can revitalise a dead battery even if you’re in the middle of nowhere. No need to wait for a car to come by so that you can start your car.  

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A modern-day accessory that more and more people put in their vehicles is a dashcam. These vehicle accessories can help make for great compilations for the internet but they can also be used in court. Whatever you end up using your dashcam footage for, one thing is for sure and that is that it will always have your back. That is as long as you have enough memory for the dashcam to save the footage.


Sometimes emergencies will require you to use hand tools. But depending on the issue at hand different types of tools will be needed. This is why you should also have a toolkit in your car. No matter if you need to replace a component or fix a connection, a proper toolkit will allow you to do everything. Just make sure it’s as versatile as your skillset.

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Blind Spot Mirrors

Something that is especially important for newer drivers is awareness. But sometimes even the most experienced drivers aren’t able to see other road users. This is where installing a pair of blind spot mirrors can help you reduce and prevent accidents. Although newer cars come with blind-spot detection it’s not a bad idea to have these types of automotive accessories for added protection. Sometimes this system can fail too but the mirrors will never fail you.

Puncture Repair Kit

When you get a flat punctured tyre, all you need to do is replace it with the spare one. But what happens with the punctured tyre afterwards? You probably get it to the nearest mechanic shop and have it repaired or get a new one. But what if you don’t have a spare tyre and you get a punctured tyre? In this case, you’d need to buy auto accessories like a puncture repair kit. This kit has everything you need to fix the tyre and continue your journey.

Tyre Inflator

In order to continue your journey after fixing a punctured tyre, you’ll need to inflate the tire. What better way to do so on the road than with a tyre inflator. This is essentially a portable air compressor that is powerful enough to inflate a tyre in a timely manner. The bigger the compressor is the more powerful it is and the quicker it can fill a tyre with air. But remember that these are heavier and not as affordable as smaller compressors.

Phone Holder

Something that not many car manufacturers do is add a phone holder in their vehicles. But luckily adding a phone holder in your car is an easy task. As long as you get one that won’t have its sticky bit melt in the sun you’re all good. If your car doesn’t have a big infotainment screen then a car holder can help make you use your phone as one. 

most needed auto accessories to buy


Keeping your car clean doesn’t just involve keeping trash out of it and washing its exterior once a week. It also involves keeping the interior clean from dust, crumbs, and other particles. This is where a portable vacuum can make all the difference. Even if you go for the least powerful vacuum it will still do a good job. Just make sure you are able to plug the vacuum into the cigarette lighter socket.


Something that no driver wants to experience is an accident. But when things go south you should have an ace up your sleeve or rather in your glove box. A stinger is a small device that is able to break through glass and cut your seat belt so you can free yourself from a crash. It’s best that you never need to use a stinger but you’re better off being prepared than not.

Tow Strap

On a lighter note, there is a time when you’ll need to get your car towed. While that is not bound to happen to every driver when it does, you need to have a tow strap ready to be used. You don’t want to waste time searching for one or asking a friend to borrow theirs.


If you park your vehicle outside you should know not to park it under a tree but that isn’t always possible. This is where a car cover can help save your vehicle from bird droppings as well as the sun and more adverse weather conditions.

By astonnick

Everyday innovations improve our lives, and by following them I became very interested in what is happening in the world. Motivated by all these events, I decided to open this blog to help you be a part of modern life.
On this blog you will find useful things from all areas that deserve our attention.

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